Reduce and Mitigate GLP-1 Side Effects

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Im Feeling Nauseous


Try Ginger and Peppermint

I found that ginger and peppermint worked wonders for my nausea. I drank ginger and peppermint tea and both helped a lot. Give it a shot!

41 People found this helpful


Small, Frequent Meals

If nausea hits, try eating small meals throughout the day instead of big ones. Bland snacks like crackers worked wonders for me. Keeping something light in my stomach really helped!

23 People found this helpful


Choose the Right Injection Times

I’ve found that injecting at night works best for me, as I'm asleep before I start feeling nausea. Also don’t forget to switch up your injection sites!

17 People found this helpful


Emetrol or Dramamine

When I went up in dosage I was extremely nauseous. I tired Emetrol and it helped suppress my nausea. Also Dramamine helped. Good luck. Hang in there.

39 People found this helpful

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